Sorry I've been absent. Although much time has been spent helping to take care of my dad, it was mom who ended up at Castle Hospital with concerns of the heart. I spent all weekend on the phone and at the hospital... but wanted to share with you another birthday gift I created for my good friend Sheila at work...
Yes - I love creating these birthday boxes!! My family and friends always seem so delighted to receive one. I always have the flickering light on inside when I presentit to them and ask them to open it right away...
and when they open it and see the candle lit up - they gasp!!! and love it as much as I love giving it to them.
These pictures above, show what it looks like when the box is opened and falls open. The picture on the right shows two different covers because I couldn't decide what to create for her. I took two of them to work and at the last moment felt the one on the bottom of the picture was the right one for her.
Thank you for stopping by!
Grace and peace to you.
Romans 1:7
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